Should Homework Be Banned 

POLL: Should Homework Be Banned?

A Never-Ending Story of Suffering and Productive Procrastination

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Homework, the bane of every student’s existence. The source of countless tears, sleepless nights, and the occasional swear word muttered under one’s breath. But should homework be banned? As someone who has experienced the joys and sorrows of homework firsthand, I’m inclined to say yes. But let’s explore this topic in greater detail.

First of all, let’s be real, homework is nobody’s idea of a good time. I mean, who wants to spend their evenings buried in textbooks and assignments when there’s a whole world of Netflix shows and TikTok dances to explore? But alas, it’s a necessary evil in the world of education, right? Well, maybe not.


Let’s consider the arguments against homework. Opponents of homework argue that it can be a major source of stress and anxiety for students, contributes to the achievement gap between low-income and high-income students, and can lead to cheating and academic dishonesty. Plus, let’s not forget that homework takes away from valuable time that students could be spending on other activities, such as spending time with family and friends, pursuing hobbies, or just getting some much-needed rest and relaxation.


Now, let’s turn to the arguments in favor of homework. Proponents of homework argue that it reinforces what students learn in the classroom, helps them develop study habits and time management skills, and prepares them for college and the workforce. But let’s be real here – how many of us actually remember anything we learned from our homework? And while it’s true that some students may benefit from homework, the reality is that many students are simply too tired, stressed, or overworked to give homework their best effort.

Fun facts

Hey, let’s switch gears from the homework hullabaloo and check out some quirky tidbits. Did you know that in Finland, homework is a no-go zone? Yet, their students ace their studies and top the education rankings. And get this – there’s a legit term for those who shun homework and choose to do other tasks like cleaning their room or alphabetizing their bookshelf instead. It’s called “productive procrastination.” It’s like procrastinating, but with a side of productivity. Who knew avoiding homework could be so productive?

It’s not just about the students

Diving back in, perhaps the most controversial and unconventional viewpoint on this topic is this: homework should be banned not just for students, but for teachers as well. That’s right – teachers should be given a break from assigning and grading homework, and instead focus on creating engaging and meaningful lessons that students will actually enjoy. After all, isn’t that what education is supposed to be about – fostering a love of learning and curiosity in students?

What do you think?

Whether you’re in favor of banning homework, against it, or somewhere in between, there’s no denying that homework has a major impact on students’ lives – for better or for worse. So, what do you think? Should homework be banned? Are you a proponent of homework, or do you think it’s time to give students a break? We want to hear from you! Cast your vote in the poll below and continue the debate in the comments section.. Until then, I’ll be over here procrastinating on writing my next article.

To Homework or Not to Homework: That is the Poll

To Homework or Not to Homework: That is the PollPin

Wait! Don’t leave just yet! There’s another poll on our website that needs your input. The death penalty – should it be kept or abolished? Head over now and cast your vote.

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